The Claridge Harris Club was established to celebrate and honour the enormous contributions made to Girton Girls’ School by Dorothy Ward (née Claridge) and her family and to King’s College by Don Harris. The Club acknowledges the proud history of our two founding schools and the contribution they made to Èé½»ÊÓƵ today.
Membership of the Claridge Harris Club is open to anyone who pledges a bequest to the School.
Most importantly, by becoming a member, you provide the School with the opportunity to thank you during your lifetime - inviting you to special events and keeping you in touch with the School and students of today.
If you have made the decision to leave a bequest to Èé½»ÊÓƵ we would like to hear from you and welcome you to the Claridge Harris Club.
I am a proud old scholÂar, as is my MothÂer. We both have a fond memÂoÂries of our time spent in our secÂondary schoolÂing years. Mum’s were at GirÂton and mine at PemÂbroke. Both schools played a sigÂnifÂiÂcant role in our lives. Whilst mum’s scholasÂtic achieveÂments far outÂshone mine, both of us have been sucÂcessÂful in our workÂing lives. What I loved about being a stuÂdent at the School was that all stuÂdents were valÂued. FriendÂships forged durÂing our schoolÂing years are still very imporÂtant to both my mothÂer and to me, decades after leavÂing school. My hope is that my Bequest to PemÂbroke School will posÂiÂtiveÂly supÂport the needs of future stuÂdents in the same way as genÂerÂous bequestors have done before me.